Chu Chu Tako Kaina

Apr 11, 2017 15:36
Today I would like to talk about the Japanese term "chu chu tako kaina."

This term is a kind of counting rhymes, which is used when counting the number of something in two units (it's something like "two, four, six, eight...").

There are several theories about this term, but the most widely accepted one is something like the following.

The word "chu" comes from the sugoroku (Japanese backgammon) term "juji," which means double two, that is four.

When you say "chu chu," it means eight, and this number represents the number of octopus' legs.

Therefore, we came to say "tako kaina," which means "is it an octopus?," after "chu chu."






No. 1 Ben's correction
  • This term is a kind of counting rhymes, which is used when counting the number of something in two units (it's something like "two, four, six, eight...").
  • This term is a kind of counting ditty, which is used when counting the number of something by twos (it's something like "two, four, six, eight...").
  • There are several theories about this term, but the most widely accepted one is something like the following.
  • There are several theories about the literal meaning of this term, but the most widely accepted one is something like the following.
  • The word "chu" comes from the sugoroku (Japanese backgammon) term "juji," which means double two, that is four.
  • The word "chu" comes from the sugoroku (Japanese backgammon) term "juji," which means double two that is to say, four.
  • When you say "chu chu," it means eight, and this number represents the number of octopus' legs.
  • When you say "chu chu," it means eight, and this number represents the number of an octopus's legs.
  • Therefore, we came to say "tako kaina," which means "is it an octopus?," after "chu chu."
  • Therefore, we came to say "tako kaina," which means "is it an octopus?" after "chu chu."
What an interesting little phrase. Thanks for sharing!

Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that :)
No. 2 IrishAlex's correction
  • Chu Chu Tako Kaina
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I would like to talk about the Japanese term "chu chu tako kaina."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This term is a kind of counting rhymes, which is used when counting the number of something in two units (it's something like "two, four, six, eight...").
  • This term is a kind of counting rhymes, which is used when counting the number of something as a multiple of two (it's something like "two, four, six, eight...").
  • There are several theories about this term, but the most widely accepted one is something like the following.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The word "chu" comes from the sugoroku (Japanese backgammon) term "juji," which means double two, that is four.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When you say "chu chu," it means eight, and this number represents the number of octopus' legs.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Therefore, we came to say "tako kaina," which means "is it an octopus?," after "chu chu."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Very well explained! I would have thought 'chu chu' is 16 (4 x 4).
Thank you very much for the corrections! (^^)